Citation - Pennsylvania Chronicle: 1769.01.23

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Index Entry Forty Shillings Reward [t] [beg] Last Wednesday morn, at break of day 
Location Philadelphia 
23 Jan 1769:11 (2/106 Postscript)
Forty Shillings Reward, 
Last Wednesday morn, at break of day, 
From Philadelphia run away, 
An Irish man, nam'd John M'Keoghn, 
To fraud and imposition prone;
About five feet five inches high, 
Can curse and swear as well as lie;
How old he is I can't engage, 
But forty-five is near his age;
. . . [32 more lines, signed] Mary Nelson, Water-street,
Jan. 10, 1769

Generic Title Pennsylvania Chronicle 
Date 1769.01.23 
Publisher Goddard, William 
City, State Philadelphia, PA 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0033455
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